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Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey is a lifelong fitness junkie who believes in working out smarter for the best quality of life. Besides being a total coffee nerd and budding minimalist, he is interested in productivity hacks, cinema and body-sympathetic eating.

Full Metal Caveman, Part 1: Preparation and Purpose

ugg Coffee...

“A month of Paleo, no compromises … no backing out”—meet the Full Metal Caveman. Lies infamy betrayal After writing for Paleo Minds for about a year I feel compelled to write this article by way of a confession … there is something I must impart on you with a little hesitation; all this …

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Convict Conditioning: Catastrophe and Recovery

Convict Conditioning bridges and squat progression

“What happened Steve?” you may well ask, “You were all set to bring us up to date with your progress, we were on the edges of our collective seat and then, like Keyser Soze, you vanished.” You’d be right on all counts, too. I was all set. I had a …

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Convict Conditioning: Resistance, Determination and Nemesis Busting

Welcome back to month four of my Convict Conditioning journey. This time round I learned that not everything goes to plan but that’s the best reason to get motivated and carry on. That’s not just me failing to deliver that fortnightly update I talked big about (sorry) but embracing a …

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Convict Conditioning: Understanding Crow Stands, Bridge Progress and More

“Dedication is everything.” Welcome back regular readers. After a brief hiatus to deal with some urgent project work I have returned, ready to rock and share my headway with you. Don’t worry, I didn’t stop conditioning! As we’re a little way behind my progress I’ll be posting month long updates every …

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Convict Conditioning: Shifting Gear

“Weeks 5-8 were a maelstrom of activity and progression!” Welcome back regular readers, I can say that now I’m on article four, right? If you’re new to the series it will probably feel more coherent to read from the start. So, weeks 5–8 were a maelstrom of activity and progression, …

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Convict Conditioning: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Trust The Coach

crow stand convict conditioning

After a wonky (but ultimately successful) first fortnight I’d hit my stride with the Convict Conditioning plan and so the next two-to-three weeks came fairly easily. I graduated from the first step of pushups and pullups whilst digging further into the tougher terrain of leg raises and squats. Along the …

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Convict Conditioning: 336 Hours Later – Beginner Mistakes and Reprogramming

Steve Harvey Convict Conditioning

After fourteen days of unleashing Convict Conditioning on my world, what had I learned? Hell of a lot it turns out, I’d picked a plan of attack, started from scratch, twice, and discovered those six simple looking disciplines* were deceptively complicated and interconnected. Furthermore not one kneecap was harmed in the production …

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