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Monthly Archives: April 2015

Convict Conditioning: 336 Hours Later – Beginner Mistakes and Reprogramming

Steve Harvey Convict Conditioning

After fourteen days of unleashing Convict Conditioning on my world, what had I learned? Hell of a lot it turns out, I’d picked a plan of attack, started from scratch, twice, and discovered those six simple looking disciplines* were deceptively complicated and interconnected. Furthermore not one kneecap was harmed in the production …

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Convict Conditioning: An Introduction and Personal Journey into Calisthenics

Convict Conditioning Beginners

“Convicting Conditioning? I’m going to give you a big fat spoiler up front – I like it a lot. It’s really helped me.” Hello, I’m Steve. I recently took up Convict Conditioning, a programme of bodyweight exercises, or calisthenics, as practised in some of the tougher prisons on the North …

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