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Tag Archives: Loren Cordain

News Round-Up: Stop Sugar Cravings, Frugal Paleo and The Real Paleo Diet Cookbook

4 Simple Hacks To Stop Sugar Cravings If you’re new to the Paleo diet then you may be having a tough time tackling sugar cravings and wondering what on earth you can do about your sweet tooth! Lucky for you Abel James over on The Fat Burning Man has devised some suggestions …

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Darryl Edwards Interview, Part One: Paleo Nutrition and Play in the UK

Darryl Edwards Car Push

“The most powerful thing you can do is to remove processed foods, artificial foods, reliance on grains and even dairy.” We would like to extend a huge welcome and thank you to Darryl Edwards for joining us here at Paleo Minds for a massive two-part interview. Darryl is the founder …

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