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PM 007: The Paleo PI Rory Linehan on Caffeine, Lifestyle Hacks and Autoimmunity

The Paleo PI

In this episode we reconvene with The Paleo PI, Rory Linehan, for part two of our interview. Rory talks about caffeine, lifestyle hacks, personal products, autoimmunity and much more.

Rory Linehan is the Australian blogger behind the Paleo PI. Rory developed acute Mononucleosis at the age of 18 and slowly watched his health unravel over the following years. He developed rosacea, ocular rosacea, lethargy, brain fog, bloating and eventually depression. He spent years troubleshooting his health to no avail until finding the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. AIP gave Rory his life back, restoring his mood, energy and above all his goals and dreams. Rory troubleshoots the final pieces of his health jigsaw at the Paleo PI. The site helps others reclaim their health by providing people the tools to troubleshoot their health, including research on chronic illness, their root causes and how to integrate the AIP into everyday life. He co-hosts The Autoimmune Connection web series. You can find Rory at The Paleo PI website through his Facebook page.

Show Notes

  • [01:35] Interview start. Fruits and fructose consumption on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol
  • [03:37] Caffeine, coffee and cocoa
  • [14:30] Kobe beef in Japan
  • [17:18] Lifestyle changes and hacks
  • [25:25] Personal products
  • [28:10] Work-life balance
  • [42:00] Four action steps for improving health
  • [47:40] Seeing GPs/being prescribed antibiotics
  • [50:00] The autoimmune solution web series
  • [55:20] Supplements
  • [59:00] Book recommendations
  • [01:00:55] Future projects
  • [01:02:40] Professionals to seek out
  • [01:04:20] Connecting with Rory
  • [01:05:15] Post-interview thank you/remember Paleo is a template

Pre-interview music credit: Vonnegut Busy by Sage Francis 


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About Michael

Michael Wilson is the founder of Paleo Minds. He has been following a strict Paleo lifestyle ever since Paleo transformed his life in 2010 – from medicated, sick and suffering from autoimmune diseases to happy, fit and healthy. Michael is currently studying towards the Primal Blueprint Expert Certification and battling with various cultural and language difficulties as he lives a Paleo lifestyle in Japan. Thank goodness for Apps that automatically read Kanji!

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