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News Round-Up: Save Money on Quality Meat, Listen to Pavel Tsatsouline’s Exercise Advice and Cook Delicious Chicken Paprikash

The Hunt Is On The Fat Burning Man Abel James cheap meat

Every week we present some of our favourite articles, podcasts and recipes that we think will appeal to others living a Paleo lifestyle. This is by no means a definitive list of news articles, just what we’ve enjoyed. If you have an article you think would be of interest and you’d like us to include in subsequent news round-ups please drop us a line:

Featured Article

How To Find Affordable Quality Meat At The Grocery Store

Budgeting and saving money can be tough, and while we wouldn’t advocate skimping on the quality of your meat it makes sense to save money when and where you can. Abel James, better known as the Fat Burning Man, provides a handful of great tips for saving money when deciding what type and what cuts of meat to buy.

Read Abel James’s Quality Meat Money Saving Tips 

Featured Podcast

Pavel Tsatsouline Answers Your 15 Most Popular Exercise Questions

Pavel TsatsoulineWe recently featured episode 55 of The Tim Ferriss Show, ‘The Science of Strength and Simplicity with Pavel Tsatsouline’. Perhaps the most in-depth interview with Pavel, master of the kettlebell and strength training. We’re featuring him again because in episode 57 Tim provided us with a follow-up episode where Pavel answered 15 questions from listeners. Anything Pavel touches is gold, so you’d be well advised to listen in… comrade.

Listen to Pavel Tsatsouline on The Tim Ferriss Show

Featured Recipe

Comforting Paleo Chicken Paprikash

chicken-paprikash-paleo-grubsWith the weather still cold it’s certainly the time to tuck into warm comfort foods like soup, stew and broth. Rebecca Bohl of Paleo Grubs, has posted a delicious recipe for ‘Chicken Paprikash’. A spicy chicken dish that will both warm and fill you up – the perfect antidote to an icy winter evening.

Read the recipe for Paleo Chicken Paprikash on Paleo Grubs

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About Michael

Michael Wilson is the founder of Paleo Minds. He has been following a strict Paleo lifestyle ever since Paleo transformed his life in 2010 – from medicated, sick and suffering from autoimmune diseases to happy, fit and healthy. Michael is currently studying towards the Primal Blueprint Expert Certification and battling with various cultural and language difficulties as he lives a Paleo lifestyle in Japan. Thank goodness for Apps that automatically read Kanji!

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