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News Round-Up: Christmas recipes, food and articles in the Paleo World

With Christmas fast-approaching we’ve decided to dedicate this week’s news round-up to articles that should help you prepare for the big day itself. We’ve collected both articles from this past week and classics from the archives. Let’s get started!

Eat Drink Paleo Roast Chicken

Roast Chicken With Inside Out Stuffing

Over on Eat Drink Paleo Irena Macri has created an excellent roast chicken recipe complete with a sage, bacon, leek, garlic and nut stuffing (don’t forget to pre-soak the nuts). The chicken recipe can easily be adapted for turkey and those with a dairy allergy could substitute the butter/ghee in the stuffing for coconut oil.

For more Christmas ideas and inspiration from Eat Drink Paleo you could do far worse than check out the Paleo Christmas/Thanksgiving Menu from a couple of years back.

Read Irena’s Roast Chicken With Inside Out Stuffing Recipe here

10 Paleo-Friendly Christmas Dishes from Around The World

fish paleoPaleo Leap‘s contribution to Christmas recipes is a little different from the usual Western Christmas fare you’re likely to see in a ‘Paleo foods for Christmas’ lists. Paleo Leap has collated a list of traditional Christmas dishes (Paleo friendly, of course) from around the world, including Vitel Toné from Argentina, Potatiskorv from Sweden and Schäufele from Germany.

Head on over to Paleo Leap for the full list: 10 Paleo-Friendly Christmas Dishes from Around The World

Garlic Mashed Root Vegetables

Garlic Mashed Root Vegetables PaleoIf you’re looking for an alternative to conventional mashed potatoes then this versatile dish from Primal Palate is a good bet. Consider substituting the white potatoes for sweet potatoes and play around with the ratios of different root vegetables depending on your preference and what’s local to you. This provides a solid base for tinkering with or making ‘as described’.

Garlic Mashed Root Vegetables

13 Holiday Gifts to Support a Primal Lifestyle

paleo giftWhile this article is now four years old we still reckon the majority of the suggestions are spot on. If you need to do some last minute Christmas shopping for the Paleo aficionado in your life then this list from Mark’s Daily Apple takes the effort out of Christmas shopping for you. Just check out the suggested gifts and buy whatever your budget will allow. Sorted!

13 Holiday Gifts to Support a Primal Lifestyle

Christmas Diet Tips

Ultimate Performance Nick Mitchell ChristmasThis article may surprise some people as it’s not quite so overtly Paleo. However, I’ve been a big of fan of Nick Mitchell and his Ultimate Performance gym ever since I went there for Active Release Technique work on my shoulder after an injury a few years ago. Since then I’ve been following his blog and YouTube for weightlifting and general fitness tips. His six Christmas diet tips at the end of the article are well worth perusing for ‘damage control’ going into the Christmas season.

Nick Mitchell’s Christmas Diet Tips

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About Michael

Michael Wilson is the founder of Paleo Minds. He has been following a strict Paleo lifestyle ever since Paleo transformed his life in 2010 – from medicated, sick and suffering from autoimmune diseases to happy, fit and healthy. Michael is currently studying towards the Primal Blueprint Expert Certification and battling with various cultural and language difficulties as he lives a Paleo lifestyle in Japan. Thank goodness for Apps that automatically read Kanji!

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