Tuesday 22 October 2024
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Hiking Mount Ōyama

Up Mount Oyama

I’ve always said that one of the most important things with regards to fitness is finding something you enjoy. That way compliance is much more likely and the act itself is a pleasure rather than feeling like a ‘workout’ or chore. It also means you’re much more likely to simply …

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Check Out: Paleo Takes 5 – Or Fewer by Cindy Sexton

Welcome to the first instalment of Check Out. A series in which we preview books, films, events and other media worth ‘checking out’. Two common complaints often levelled at the Paleo diet are it’s far too time-consuming and expensive . This is because of the perceived complexity of ingredients required and the preparation …

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Welcome to Paleo Minds

Hey, what’s up? I’m Michael Wilson, the founder of Paleo Minds. I’m from the UK but I’m currently living in Japan. I started Paleo Minds because Paleo transformed my life. I used to suffer from debilitating arthritis taking ten tablets per day plus a weekly injection of methotrexate (an anti-cancer …

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